
来源:烟台家教中心 日期:2018/9/7
21.He did not care ____ what his friends thought about him.
A.more than    B.any more    C.no longer    D.no more
22.The cars will ____ people all over the country.
A.be supplied to    B.be supplied with C.supply to    D.supply
23.His songs are so good that they are never____ .
A.new    B.old    C.out of date    D.up to date
24.The word “pub” ____ “public house”.
A.is short of    B.has short of    C.has short for    D.is short for
25.I knew the lady ____Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.
A.refers to    B.refer to    C.was referring to  D.is referring to
26.The plane can cover long _____ in a very short time.
A.places    B.distances    C.journeys    D.vacuums
27.– Would you mind if I kept the window closed?
    -- ______ I also feel a little cold.
A.Certainly    B.Of course    C.Certainly not    D.I like so 
28.He bought a little model of the Eiffel Tower as a (n) _____ of his holiday in Pairs
A.souvenir    B.diploma    C.encouragement D.ceremony
29.What an ____ day! After a whole day’s hiking,, I am completely ____
A.exhausted; exhausted    B.exhausting; exhausting; 
C.exhausting; exhausted    D.exhausted; exhausting
30.--- Tomorrow is Mary’s birthday. Are you going to her party?
--- .______. I like cake very much.
A.Absolutely    B.Absolutely not C.I am afraid not D.Nearly 
31.Yesterday evening, I saw a program on TV, ____ reviewed the most important events of 1985.
A.what    B.where C.which  D.when 
32.I am sure that Tom has left for American because it is I who saw him ____the plane at the airport.
A.get on  B.get off    C.get into    D.get out
33.The bird came to the window, but I moved suddenly and ___ it away.
A.trained  B.frightened  C.disappeared  D.shot
34.The country’s main ____are coca gold.
A.food  B. harvests  C. inventions  D. products 
35.The headmistress hadn’t a good sleep last night, because the sound of the telephone awoke her ____.
A. at midnight  B. in midnight  C. on midnight  D. for midnight
参考答案:21.B. no more = not--- any more 不再
22.A.sth.be supplied to sb.某物供应给某人。
23.C.out of date ;过时 up to date 最新的,最近的
24.D. 题意“pub” 这个词是“public house” (旧馆)的简称be short for -----的缩写;------ 的简称
25.C. refer to 指的是
26.B 题意:这些飞机能在很短的时间飞很长的距离。
27.C. 根据上下两句的推测,第二个人是不介意关窗户的,因此回答应是 certainly not \not at all 等。
29.C. exhausted 筋疲力尽的,一般修饰人;exhausting 令人筋疲力尽的,一般修饰物。
30.A. 本题根据上下两句的意思,可知第二个人要去那个party,故选A 。
31.C. which 在此为关系代词,引导非限制定语从句,修饰 program。 
33.B.题意:那鸟儿飞到窗前,可我的身子突然一动,把它吓走了。 frighten; 使吃惊;惊吓train; 训练disappear 消失shoot射杀 
34.D. 题意:这个国家的产品主要是可可和黄金。product 产品。food食物; harvest 收获;invention发明
35.A. at midnight在半夜。


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