
来源:烟台家教老师 日期:2018/6/12

第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


Experts are finding your standard first aid response may be the worst thing you can do in an emergency. Here’s how to update your first aid kit.

CUTS AND SCRAPES                            

When the skin isn’t broken, it’s hard to beat iodine (碘酒) for killing bacteria,       doctors use it to clean before surgery. But when there’s a cut, full – strength iodine and rubbing alcohol can be harmful to skin cells, preventing healing. Putting iodine on cuts and wounds kills bacteria, but it won’t clean the wound. The most effective way is washing the wound with water.


If you spread some butter on the burn to ease the pain, it isn’t a good idea. Butter was thought to cool the burn, but it can cause infection and create and environment for bacterial growth. Run the burn under cool water immediately to help remove the heat and put an end to the damaging process. Wrap the burn with a bandage, and keep it clean and dry. If blisters (水泡) form, don’t break them.


When a child swallows anything poisonous, parents probably think they’re well prepared if ipecac (催吐剂) is on hand. Wrong. Ipecac was thought to be a good way to treat a child who had swallowed a poisonous substance, but not any more because it doesn’t always remove the toxic substance. That may cause dehydration (脱水) and prevent doctors from giving other treatments.


Everyone learns how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet (止血带). But studies show this method causes more harm than good. Tourniquets can increase the risk of tissue damage or even the loss of a limb. Apply direct pressure to the wound. Simply place a clean cloth on the wound and press firmly; don’t remove the cloth, event if it gets black. If necessary, add more cloths. If that’s not enough, you can further slow the blood flow by applying pressure to the main artery (动脉) of the upper arm or leg.

76.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)



77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

However, by studying we know this method does more harm instead of doing more good.


78.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.

   (Please answer within 5 words.)




79.What should we do in order to give useful first aids? (Please answer within 30 words.)





80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.





第二节 书面表达:(共15分) 




       2.参考词汇:谦虚、简朴 modesty and simplicity; 自信心confidence;


赞成的人认为                     反对的人认为

1.学生应该生活简朴,因为要靠父母  1.过分注重谦虚、简朴,你将不会引起别人的注意

2.学习比衣着更重要                2.要学会表现自己,自信和良好的外表会给别人留下好的印象。







76.Correct First Aid Responses / First Aids You Should never Use

77.But studies show this method causes more harm than good.

78.That’s why

79.We should completely change the traditional and so – called right first aids, and use the scientific and right first aids to save the injured according to the different actual hurts.

80. 你应该立即把烧伤处放在凉水下冲洗以助其降温,终止其进一步损伤。


One possible version:

Last week, we held a discussion on modesty and simplicity. Students have different opinions.

Some think paying too much attention to modesty and simplicity will mean you will never be noticed by others. You might lose many chances. In modern society, you should learn to show yourself to others. Confidence and a good appearance help you make a good impression.

Some others don’t agree with this. They think students should learn to live a simple life because they depend on their parents. As students, studying is more important than the clothes they wear. As for modesty, an ancient Chinese saying reads: “Pride goes before a fall.” It tells us that if we want to be successful, we must learn to be modest first.

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